gas Formulas

Gas heat cfm = heat-x input btu x heat-x eff.* / 1.08 x unit heat rise

* If blower motor is in the air stream add its btu to heater output btu

Heat-x output = heat-x input rate x heat-x eff.

Rating in a heat-x for time - sec/ft3 =  corr. factor** x 3600 (sec) x (btu/ft3 gas corr^.) / heat-x btu input

^Corrected gas content = actual gas content x gas content corr. factor^^

Flue loss = a comparison between the CO2 reading and the flue temperature (see chart ansi std Z21.47)

Heat-x efficiency = 100% - heat-x flue loss % 

Corr. factor (Gas temp & bar. press. )** = corrected  barometer*** x 520 / [(gas temp + 460) x 30]

Barometer Corrected *** =( barometer – temp correction) + gas press to Hg”  ^*(example .52Hg” for NG)

o    ^* .52”Hg = NG @ 7”, .81” Hg = LPG normal fire @ 11”, .96” Hg = LPG high fire @ 13”

Gas content correction factor ^^ 

From wet to dry = (btu/ft3 wet gas content) x 1.0177

From dry to wet = (btu/ft3 dry gas content) x .9826

Gas pressure to inches of mercury^* – inches of water x .07355   (example: 7” x .07355 = .52)

Over fire rate – 1.25% gas pressure increase = heat-x input rate x 1.12 for NG or 1.09 for LPG

Air free CO = ultimate CO2 / actual CO2 x actual CO

PPM converted to % CO – take ppm reading and divide by 10,000 (or move decimal 5 places to the left)

Ultimate CO2 = 

Natural gas - [(actual gas content – 970) x .003846] + 11.7

LPG - [(actual gas content – 2466) x .001184] + 13.73

The Calculating tool uses both quantitative data and qualitative information covering HVAC design, installation and operation to benchmark energy efficient performance and identify potential areas for improvement.

AC cooling load


AC Heating Load


HVAC Efficenet


User warning: all this results are based on quick estimate calculation. Exact heat /cool load can be determined with a full heat and cool load analysis

So, whether you need a small split system, large chiller & cooling tower or boiler plant, AIR TRACK INC can provide you with a customized solution. Give us a call - (905) 330 4056.