Air Track HVAC Blog

Author Archives: Frank Shan

Industrial Ventilation Overlook

Ventilation of industrial buildings is of great importance in the improvement of working conditions. It is designed to remove the polluted air from the working premises and supply of fresh air in them. Aeration and mechanical ventilations systems are most and widely used industrial buildings

Aeration – is an organized, calculated and controlled natural ventilation. With aeration can be provided in shops enormous Air exchange, remove them from the excess heat and polluted air, bring fresh air into the working zone. Aeration is mainly used in hot shops. For admission to the shop outside air into the walls of the building are made open, openings in the form of gates, windows with transoms, shutters, and to remove heat and a contaminated air in the roof equipped with aeration lanterns in the form of a raised roof with side opening transoms.

In small areas with heat release hood can be carried out through direct exhaust shafts mounted on springs; evolution of heat or gas. To use additional force of wind pressure and protection from blowing exhaust shaft at the outer end of her set one of the types of deflectors.  Deflectors mounted on the highest portions of the roof, so that for any direction of the wind, they are under the influence of sturgeon head.

Mechanical ventilation is carried out by means of mechanical boosters – fans or ejectors. Ventilation designed for sucking air from the premises, called the extraction and injection – supply. As the exhaust and supply air can be local and general exchange.

Local exhaust ventilation is used to remove the heat, gases, vapors or dust directly from their place of education. This is the most efficient way to remove industrial hazards, as in this case, they do not apply in the shop. In order to increase the effectiveness of local exhaust ventilation, should be possible to conceal the sources of pollutant discharge and perform suction from the shelter, and if completely hide the source of pollutant discharge is not possible, extraction should be as close to this source.

General exchange exhaust ventilation is arranged for the removal of the contaminated plant or heated air. Suction holes of ventilation are usually located in the upper zone management where usually heated air rises, vapors or gases.

The market of industrial Ventilation and Air Conditioning

According to most industry experts, the market of industrial ventilation and air-conditioning peaked. Manufacturing companies that supply goods to “assembly line”, and trading companies that buy goods from foreign manufacturers offers a complete package of services from design to delivery.

This diversity of providers has led to a wide range of products on the market that is not always in demand by consumers. Known manufacturers of equipment for industrial ventilation and air conditioning can offer solutions that are already being implemented to have the highest level of energy efficiency, but unfortunately, they are not in demand on the market due to higher initial investment.

The market of industrial ventilation equipment more transformed, if earlier in the growing market there was a large number of brands, the average share was about 3%, it is now possible to identify the lead five operators with a market share of 5 to 8% each. It speaks about strengthening the position of reliable companies, and withdrawal from the market of small or targeted at long-term cooperation between the companies. ”

70% of total consumption is used for shopping malls, water parks, office buildings, parking lots, banks, sports complexes. 20% of the total volume occupied by industrial enterprises, which include major manufacturing plants and pharmaceutical plants. The rest (10%) – private customers, which establish a system for building swimming pools and large residential building.

A trademark is not always a guarantee of success and a guarantee of long-term operation of the system. Even the most expensive high quality equipment may not work properly if the design or construction works were carried out correctly.

Market experts believe that in the near future the company-customers move from the selection of HVAC systems on a price basis to a choice based on an analysis of the operation of such systems in the future.

Why replacing your Heat Pumps to Latest one is better?


You may installed Heat pump over a decade, and it may be in good condition after the lifespan by the manufacturer, but there are few more advantages you can have by replacing your equipment with Modern Heat Pumps. Innovative improvements on the design and operation of Heat Pumps offers you many good things.

If you’re located on Mississauga, Toronto, Burlington and Oakville, Kindly make a call to Air Track Inc. Our Experts will give you clear knowledge of it.

The Main Advantages of Modern Heat Pumps.

  1. While compared current Heat Pumps to Older which more than a decade, the Modern Heat Pumps are named for its high efficiency, simply it will reduce your monthly electricity cost.
  2. Very Safe Operation method, while comparing to old systems
  3. Innovative Heating and Cooling exchange process will allows to achieve accurate temperature in a very short time.
  4. Latest Heat Pumps are produce very low noise while operating, so your place is more comfortable and peaceful.
  5. The Life span (50 Years) of Heat Pumps is very long and will give the perfect operating condition.

Preventive Maintenance Checklists for Small Refrigeration Units


Across food and Medical industry Small refrigeration units are very popular and important. If unit is breakdown in an unexpected time, then you have to face profit loss along with the repair cost. Mostly the reason for failure is lack of proper maintenance.

To achieve the reliable and uninterrupted operation follow the following tips

  1. Before starting the refrigeration unit make sure that the crankcase heater be energized at least eight hours minimize refrigerant migration foaming of the oils and the resulting immediate compressor failure.
  2. Manually check out and calibrate the basic parts such as safety controls and expansion values
  3. All electrical and mechanical equipment’s should be checked visually for any damages and wear outs.
  4. Measure the oil levels in the unit and check out the quality. If oil is low in level or damaged in quality replace with new oil.
  5. Check the motor magnetic starter and ensure the safe starting the unit
  6. Visually inspect all electrical terminals and ensure it was on proper tight.
  7. Examine the over load protection on the unit
  8. Check and clean the condenser from dirt and dusts.
  9. Check the system for the presence of moisture, if so install the filter dryers
  10. Take preventive actions to avoid moisture

Honeywell introduced Barcode (Genetron) verification system for refrigerant

Honeywell’s conducted a year survey last year which showed that consumer’s experienced that counterfeit refrigerants cause malfunction of the air conditioning system or cause damage to equipment

To fight against counterfeit products Honeywell introduced Barcode (Genetron) verification system, with mobile phone you can instantly determine the origin of the container. The first licensed defense got the refrigerant cylinder Honeywell Genetron R134a.

Honeywell is not the only company that protects its products. In 2013, the supplier of refrigerants Harp International started putting the 125-layered and protected from external influences hologram on the cylinders and packing, to stop counterfeiters. If you try to remove the sticker – that is destroyed.

Heating Systems Preventive Maintenance Checklists

It does not matter what type of heating is installed – it is important, what is being done to keep the system in optimal working condition. Timely preventive maintenance of heating systems – is the best way to ensure trouble-free operation and maximum performance. A maintenance before cooling and heating season also very important, it will avoid future failure of the system and keep the optimum temperature at the time when it is most needed.

 Gas Furnace Preventive maintenance Checklist

  1. Visually check for black Soot for chiefly composed of carbon, produced by incomplete combustion, if so contact Air Track Inc.
  2. Remove the combustion chamber and inspect the color of flames, the flames should be fairly even and blue. Yellow flames indicate dirty burners.
  3. turn the thermostat off and flip the power switch off on the heater
  4. Remove and clean the burners. Dirty burners can cause poor combustion
  5. Inspect the blowers and clean
  6. Change the heater filter every one to three months
  7. Check the heat exchanges for crack and damages
  8. Inspect the fuel pipe for corrosion and damages
  9. Check controls of the system to ensure proper and safe operation.
  10. Check starting cycle of the equipment to assure the system starts, operates and turns right.

Oil Heater Preventive Maintenance Checklist

  1. Look for signs of black soot around your heater. Soot outside the furnace itself could mean that the unit is burning more than oil
  2. Look at the smoke color, if the smoke is black the oil is not burn completely
  3. Carefully check for any vibrations and unwanted noise, if notice contact Air Track Inc.
  4. Check the fan belt
  5. Lubricate the blower motor fittings
  6. clean the burner nozzle prevents clogs and ensures that oil can easy move
  7. Check controls of the system to ensure proper and safe operation.
  8. Check starting cycle of the equipment to assure the system starts, operates and turns right.

Winterize air conditioners for the winter

Air conditioning can be damaged by cold weather, even if it is turned off. Low temperatures can be punished for minor mistakes when installing the air conditioner adversely affect the materials, parts and components of the device. For the conservation of the air conditioner can contact a service technician cents, or carry out the procedure themselves.

Usually action include three main stages:

  1. Transfer the refrigerant in the outdoor unit to avoid its losses through loose connections outer Freon line
  2. Blocking the possibility of including the air conditioner to avoid accidental start-up
  3. Fencing outdoor unit when there is a risk of damage by ice or falling icicles

In preparation for winter air conditioning service technicians can be done and a professional cleaning air conditioning, it’s generally, it should be done at least once a year.

  1.  Disconnect the power supply
  2. Clean the air conditioner with a damp and then a dry cloth (in those places where it can be done)
  3. Clear filters from contamination
  4. Be sure to dry the air conditioner (it will turn out, if you include the heating mode, if available, for 30-40 minutes, and then the ventilation mode for another half an hour, or just for a longer period including ventilation)
  5. Carefully clean debris from all kinds indoor and outdoor unit
  6. Clear off any snow or ice that may accumulate on the unit throughout the winter months.

Dry the air conditioner after a season of work before sending it in “hibernation”, be sure to do – or the winter inside the device might be mold, when you turn on the unpleasant odor in the Living space spread disease-causing bacteria, mold spores.

Surety Bonds 101 – Code for HVAC Contractors


Surety bonds 101 refers to regulate the HVAC contractor follow the rules and regulations for the customers and for the municipality.

Holding it will confirm the contractor was responsible and the fulfillment of its obligations which reduces risk of customers. Bonded HVAC contractor will have extensive knowledge of design, implementation, handling, dispensing, cleaning support and security as per the regulations.

Guarantee agreement may be concluded to ensure the obligations which arise in the future.

Bond 101 is the credit provided surety to the customer, whenever a contractor fails to fulfill offered thins in contract the customer can able to file a claim on the business.

General requirements and regulations to obtain the license will vary state to state, and sometimes it’s not require by the state regulation.

On the basis of notification information the Contractor can apply with formal process, once you have gotten your bond, you will have to submit to the relevant authority to get issue your license for training and exam certificates.

Ammonia a Natural Refrigerant – controlling ozone depleting


Industrial refrigeration is used in about two-thirds of the facilities of the food industry, therefore, deserves a special mention. Food preservation achieved inexpensively by using canning, freezing, or drying techniques. Modern-day food preservation methods. The conservation of all meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, dairy products etc. is ensured by means of low temperatures.

In refrigeration systems in the food industry, the refrigerant used is usually ammonia. As refrigerant, ammonia offers many advantages

Energy efficiency Ammonia is one of the most effective refrigerant and has a wide range of applications. With an increasing emphasis on energy ammonia refrigeration systems are safe and reliable choice for the future. Thus, the use of ammonia in refrigeration systems that condense water cooled evaporative cooling equipment are an extremely efficient technology for the food industry usually 15-20% more efficient

Environmentally friendly Ammonia is a natural and environmentally friendly refrigerant, and more over its global warming potential GWP and ozone depletion potential ODP zero.

Security Ammonia is toxic under certain conditions – flammable. Therefore, it requires careful handling at the same time ammonia, smell of ammonia is most security guarantee, unlike other refrigerants having no odor, ammonia refrigeration has a proven record of safety, partly because leaks are easily detectable.

Smaller diameter pipes as gaseous or liquid ammonia for smaller diameter pipes are needed in comparison with most refrigerants.

High heat transfer parameters compared with most refrigerants ammonia has better heat transfer characteristics that can be used with the equipment at the surface of the heat transfer and thus reduce the cost of the refrigeration system.

The cost of the refrigerant in many countries, the cost of ammonia (1 kg.) is significantly lower than the cost of HFC refrigerants.

The advantages of using this technology is summarized: energy efficiency, respect for the environment, health safety and unbeatable relationship between investment and performance.

The truth is that the use of evaporative cooling in industrial processes involves a choice of topical given the benefits of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and resource optimization based on performance it provides. Evaporative cooling is secured thereby, as a future technology

Inverter Air Conditioning – Ideal for Electricity Saving


Inverter air conditioning is expensive while comparing to non-Inverter air conditioning, but it gives significant advantages on power savings.

  1. At least 30% – 50% cheaper to run as it consumes less power
  2. Achieve desired temperature very quickly
  3. Startups 30% faster
  4. Much quieter
  5. No temperature fluctuations, maximizing comfort level
  6. No voltage peaks from compressor

Unlike conventional systems, Inverter compressor speed adapts to the needs of each moment, allowing only consume the energy.

Inbuilt Electronic device is sensitive and identify the temperature changes to supplies, equipment vary Inverter engine speed compressor to provide the power required. Thus drastically reducing temperature swings, keep getting in the range between -1 and + 1 ° C and enjoy greater environmental stability and comfort.

And so when they are about to reach the desired temperature, decrease the power equipment to avoid peak compressor starting. Thus the noise is reduced and consumption is always proportional.

No Inverter: On cold days without an air conditioner inverter function heats the room not quite right.

With Inverter: When producing 60% more heat than models constant speed, inverter air conditioners heat a room quickly even in the colder days.

Efficient use of power

No Inverter: The compressor is switched on and off according to temperature changes in the room. In other words, whenever the temperature fluctuates.

With Inverter: compressor speed and thus output power, is adapted to the room temperature. This efficient and linear temperature regulation at all times maintains a nice room.

Lower power consumption

No Inverter: An inverter air conditioner without function consumes approximately twice as much electricity. With this difference, not take long to get high bills.

With Inverter: An inverter air conditioner consumes half the electricity that a model without inverter function, so you get more welfare for much less money.